Skin care recipes, facial mask recipes and home remedies

I welcome you to my blog (it's all about girls) where I share with you all the natural skin care recipes, tips, and remedies I have collected over the years.

I have many and those found on this blog are the best ones around, handpicked so they give you real results.

Why are they so popular?
They are simple to prepare, with easy-to-find ingredients, inexpensive and work wonders when applied consistently. No need to create complicated concoctions - all you need is a few ingredients and the magic can begin!

Acne home remedies and homemade facial masks for acne

More and more people are resorting to using acne home remedies after numerous attempts to clear out acne using chemicals-filled medications and creams on the market.
There are many natural ingredients that can be used for acne control and acne treatment.
More and more people are resorting to using acne home remedies after numerous attempts to clear out acne using chemicals-filled medications and creams on the market.
There are many natural ingredients that can be used for acne control and acne treatment.
 Although homemade facial masks for acne are the most popular of all acne treatment, there are many more that can be used as scrubs or exfoliants or simple anti inflammatory applications.
Using yogurt for treating acne is one of the many natural ways to clear acne. This simple ingredient is among the most effective acne home remedies around.
Yogurt contains antibiotic properties as a dietary supplement. When applied on skin, it provides the skin with essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. It is also a natural astringent and it helps to kill bacteria within tiny hair follicles. 

How is Yogurt Formed?
Yogurt is formed in the process of bacterial fermentation of milk. During the fermentation process, the bacteria present in milk converts lactose into lactic acid. The lactic acid reacts with the proteins present in milk and gives yogurt its gel-like structure. People who are intolerant to lactose (milk) are often advised to consume yogurt instead. 

Yogurt skin care recipes:

Here's the great news: simply apply some yogurt on the face. No need to add anything else. Just whip the yogurt and apply on acne. Wash off with water after some time and your skin will feel supple and soft. There are, however, other recipes that use yogurt in combination with other ingredients.

my best wishes for all ^_^

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